Sunrise Detox
Apple | Lemon | Pineapple | Ginger
Perfect for:
- first morning drink
- preventing nausea
- detoxing the body
- helping constipation
When you take ginger and lemon together for detox, you may be getting an extra boost for keeping your body healthy. Lemon juice acts as an appetite suppressant, in addition to containing high amount of vitamin C. It also reduces the risk of kidney damage and even lowers the effects of diabetes. It is a rich source of zinc that plays a big role in the secretion of insulin. (High blood sugar levels can induce hunger and lead to overeating)
Lemon and ginger helps your body charge up it's metabolism and prevents nausea. This combination really helps soothe upset stomachs, and cleansing the gut.
Sunrise Detox
SKU: 0004
16 Ounces